

Hosted ByMark Grote

Chicago's super duper sports podcast featuring Chicago sports insider Mark Grote. You know him from covering the Cubs' World Series run, his on-air appearances on sports radio, and his current role as sideline reporter for Bears' radio broadcasts. Hear Mark's irreverent and funny takes on the Chicago sports scene on the Podcast Entertainment Network.

Chicago’s super duper sports podcast featuring Chicago sports insider Mark Grote. You know him from covering the Cubs’ World Series run, his on-air appearances on sports radio, and his current role as sideline reporter for Bears’ radio broadcasts. Hear Mark’s irreverent and funny takes on the Chicago sports scene on the Podcast Entertainment Network.

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All Episodes

Bears 2021 Preview by Sideline Reporter Mark Grote

An entertaining preview of the 2021 Bears by Sideline Reporter Mark Grote, better known as @MarkGroteSports. Get ready for the Sunday night battle versus the Rams with Mark’s witty takes on the Bears! Plus, Mark interviews Harry Caray…yes he does! And w

Cubs Trade Deadline Fire Sale

Former Cubs pre-game/post-game host Mark Grote shares his experiences with the core of the Cubs’ 2016 World Series team on the day Rizzo, Baez, and Bryant were traded away.