
Bolden Podcast Network

When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.

Our Shows

Sed velit sapien, commodo et dictum porta, varius id nibh. Vivamus sed sapien molestie maximus lorem ut commodo enim.

Listen Up

Hosted ByTBD

The show for the music enthusiast! On Listen Up! we're introducing you to the music soon to be rising up the charts and giving you the stories about the songs and artists you love.

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At the Movies

Hosted ByTBD

All things movies, from the latest Hollywood blockbusters to the trending indie film you'll be talking about tomorrow. Great for the cinephile and the person setting up a weekend date! Also talking Hollywood and having fun conversation!

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Milestone 1 Million

Hosted ByTBD

We're talking to the influencers approaching 1 million followers. How they did it, what it means, and how they use their talents to entertain and inform. Let's help them reach the lofty 1 mil!

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Military Might

Hosted ByTBD

We're talking all aspects of the military, and all branches. What's the latest in weaponry? Let's find out. Let's also talk strategy, visiting epic battles and the commanders who led them. We'll also share the history of armed conflicts so the past may guide a brighter, and protected, future. 

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Happily Ever After

Hosted ByTBD

A successful marriage takes effort, communication, and maybe even a bit of luck. On Happily Ever After we discuss ways to improve your relationship and make sure you each live, well, happily ever after!

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You Can Do It

Hosted ByTBD

Achieving your weight loss goals can be a daunting challenge. Discussing exercise, nutrition, and psychology to learn the best methods for your personal journey. Together we can support each other, share great advice, and provide the motivation for all of us to reach our target goals.

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Who We Are

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a account of the system.

Nunc sit amet neque imperdiet, maximus massa id, vulputate magna. Vestibulum eget mi blandit, volutpat diam ut, ullamcorper eros In sed dolor eu velit pretium lacinia. Nullam interdum tristique lorem sit amet facilisis. lobortis scelerisque. Suspendisse a quam sed libero cursus. molestie nec vitae metus.

Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet eros leo, eget consequat orci viverra nec. Suspendisse pellentesque sem metus, et mollis purus auctor in. Suspendisse congue quam eros, vel cursus ante semper id. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

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Sed velit sapien, commodo et dictum porta, varius id nibh. Vivamus sed sapien molestie maximus lorem ut commodo enim.